Julian Stockwin

Agent:  Isobel Dixon
Assistant: Finlay Charlesworth

Biography: Julian Stockwin is the greatest living author of historical naval fiction, and creator of the Thomas Kydd novels, a series of 27 volumes in which Kydd rises through the decks and his adventures take him around the world.  Atmospheric, page-turning narrative, rich with action and great characterisation, this is the first series to highlight the common seaman in the greatest age of fighting sail.

At 14 Stockwin joined a tough sea-training school, followed by the Royal Navy, transferring to the Royal Australian Navy when his family emigrated.  He saw active service in the Far East, the Antarctic, the South Seas and Vietnam, and was on board the Melbourne at the time of its disastrous peace time collision with the Voyager.  Later he worked for NATO on the strategic deployment of merchant shipping.

Stockwin is also author of two novels in the Moments of History series, depicting important turning points in history. The first, THE SILK TREE, tells the dramatic story of how the secret of silk was brought from China to the West. This was followed by POWDER OF DEATH, which shows how the nature of warfare was changed forever by the discovery of gunpowder.  

‘Very readable and enjoyable. I recommend that you go out, beg, borrow or buy, and enjoy.’ – Bernard Cornwell 

‘The preeminent living historical naval fiction writer on either side of the Atlantic.’ – Quarterdeck 

‘In his hands the sea story will continue to entrance readers across the world.’ – The Guardian

‘A master teller of grand historical fiction tales. Pick one, any one, and you will be highly entertained… He writes brilliantly, bringing wonderful characters to life.’ – Booksville

‘Forrester, Kent, Pope, O'Brian all wrote outstanding tales around their commissioned heroes. From a unique starting point, Stockwin has become another member of the band of great naval fiction writers who have achieved the highest standards of storytelling.’ — Firetrench Reviews

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Historical fiction, 432 pages
Hodder, Oct 2024

April 1814. Napoleon is deposed and exiled after defeat by a resurgent allied collation. Saddled with huge war debts, the British government has no choice but to place many of its naval ships in reserve.

Captain Sir Thomas Kydd is one of the lucky officers not to be put on half pay. Instead, in the realisation of his life's ambition, he is offered an admiral's flag, but the station is West Africa and with it comes anti-slavery operations set in fever-ridden swamps. Despite the obvious dangers and hardships, Kydd readies for sea with his beloved Thunderer as his flagship.

But before he can set sail comes the electrifying news - the tyrant has escaped from Elba and is marching on Paris, the citizens flocking to join him.

Napoleon's invasion fleet is still in being and if the French navy declares for him they can sail from the ports now free of blockade and make the invasion of England a reality. What's more, the entire Channel Fleet has been stood down, its ships in various stages of repair.

There's one man in active service who happens to be on the spot - Admiral Sir Thomas Kydd. With frantic haste he's appointed temporary commander-in-chief to sail with all the men-o'-war that can be scraped together to stand athwart the French.

Waterloo is coming but before then Kydd must use all his legendary subterfuge and daring to save England from her peril.

Admiral is the twenty seventh and last of the adventures of Captain Sir Thomas Kydd whose story began in the year 1793 and tells for the first time in fiction how a pressed man through his bravery and ingenuity progresses to the quarterdeck of his own ship, and here, in the final book of the series, the command of a fleet with an admiral's pennant.


Historical fiction, 384 pages,
Hodder & Stoughton, October 2023

KYDD 26: Following his recovery after a savage wounding in America, Kydd returns to England to re-assume command of his ship-of-the-line, Thunderer, which is sent to the remote station of Bermuda.


Historical fiction, 384 pages
Allison & Busby, August 2016

The dramatic re-discovery of gunpower after it was deliberately hidden for centuries. Adventure story based on facts.


Historical fiction, 448 pages
Hodder & Stoughton, October 2004

KYDD 1. Thomas Kydd, a wigmaker's son, is forced into a harsh, unforgiving world when he is press-ganged into the navy. Life below decks in the 18th century is hard, but he comes to love it as he learns the ways of the sea, and forms friendships with other men, both pressed and volunteers.