Agent: Conrad Williams

Biography:  Matt Harvey is a feature film and TV writer specialising in thrillers and factual dramas.

His produced films include horror thriller MANDRAKE, action thrillers FUTURESHOCK: COMET and HARD TARGET 2, epic drama TRISTAN AND ISOLDE, and award-winning courtroom drama AN ACT OF DEFIANCE based on the true story of the Rivonia trial. Matt was also a co-writer on TAGGART with Dominic Morgan.

He is currently developing several projects, including INVISIBLE, co-written with Marteinn Thorisson, a mystery crime drama set on the coast of Northern Ireland for Fibin Media, and DE BURGO, an action thriller series about a specialist investigative unit who pursue environmental crimes across Europe; produced by NDF, for ZDF with international partners


An Act of Defiance (2017)

WINNER: Best Film, Jewish Film Festival
WINNER: Audience Award for 'Movies That Matter' in The Hague, Holland
WINNER: Audience Award for 'Independent World Cinema' at the San Francisco Mill Valley Film Festival
WINNER: Golden Calf for Best Script at the Dutch Film Festival 
WINNER: Best Script at The Cape Town Film Festival


 "A stunning work that instantly won a spot on my list of best horror films of 2022. Unrelentingly bleak and absolutely mesmerizing, Mandrake gets my highest recommendations."

"An intensely atmospheric piece of work, built up from a myriad acutely observed details."

"A few shock moments jar the nerves, but it’s the atmosphere of damp, earthy dread that’ll stick with you." Kim Newman. Empire Magazine.

"Calls to the best of folk horror while adding a strong narrative from two different women’s perspectives... an essential watch for fans of the genre."