SHOW ME A HERO featured in Sunday Express


SHOW ME A HERO: THE SIN OF RICHARD BYRD JNR, published this month by Biteback in the UK, was featured in the Sunday Express this weekend.

SHOW ME A HERO is a gripping true adventure story about ambition, greed and courage set in 'The Roaring Twenties'. The birth of a brave new world of jazz, flapper girls, motor cars, prohibition, bootleg liquor and the airplane brings about a race to be the first to fly over the North Pole, which is won by Richard Byrd Jnr, who becomes an all-American hero and celebrity. Losers in the race are Amundsen and Nobile (who was supported by Mussolini) and their teams. But Byrd had lied and his exposure came long after others had died as a result of his deception.

For the full feature, click here.